Generalized Anxiety Disorder

You are not alone. Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder in the United States. Anxiety invades your brain to then evade your body too, causing racing thoughts to a pounding heart. When your mind and body feel anxious you naturally want to rid yourself of the uncomfortableness, so sometimes you may “cope” with the anxiety by avoiding, procrastinating, or even using substances in lieu of facing anxiety-provoking situations big and small. Essentially, anxiety impairs your thoughts which influences how you feel, and then ultimately how you behave impacting your performance at work or school, your relationships, decisions, sleep...your life.

Fortunately, anxiety is highly treatable. The brain creates anxiety, therefore can cease anxiety. As a Certified Anxiety Therapist I will teach you how to manage your specific anxiety. My goal for you is a lifetime of anxiety management. There are topics that need to be discussed prior to embarking on your journey, as we will not be discussing these subjects in-depth during therapy however they are fundamental in managing your anxiety. So here begins the mini lecture: caffeine and sugar are anxiety-stimulating, therefore your intake should be monitored and tailored to what works best for you and the management of your anxiety. Alcohol intake should also be monitored and regulated, as it can increase your anxiety and irritability levels, usually the following day after ingestion. And lastly, insufficient sleep can elevate anxiety. You should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep as recommended, for adults, by the National Institute of Health. Mini lecture over! The information shared in therapy is life-altering.


Anxious Parents can raise Fearless Children